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CREATE-MIA Orientation Meeting

A meeting of all CREATE-MIA stakeholders with the goal of getting familiarized with research being done and to discuss possible future collaborations and directions.

CREATE-MIA Orientation Meeting

When Feb 15, 2013
from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM
Attendees All CREATE-MIA Trainees
CREATE-MIA Program Faculty
CREATE-MIA Industrial Partners
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The first CREATE-MIA Orientation Meeting will be a full-day event held in the CIM Seminar Room (MC437) and will give everyone (co-applicants, industrial partners and students) a chance to introduce themselves and their work through a series of presentations.

The plan is that the day will start informally at 9:30 with  half an hour to mingle and chat.  The presentations will begin at 10am with an introduction by Professor Siddiqi, and will be followed by presentations by several program faculty, lunch, presentations by the remaining program faculty and the industrial partners, and lastly, short presentations by the students.

A schedule for the day will be emailed to all participants closer to the date.

IMPORTANT:  This meeting is mandatory for all CREATE-MIA Trainees!

« January 2025 »
Funded by NSERC

Funding provided by NSERC