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CREATE-MIA Summer School 2013

CREATE-MIA Summer School 2013

  • CREATE-MIA Event
  • Student presentation
  • Summer school
  • Seminar
When Jun 05, 2013 09:00 AM to
Jun 07, 2013 05:00 PM
Where Trottier Building rm.2120 (morning sessions), Trottier Building rm. 3120 (afternoons)
Attendees Registered participants only.
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Please note that the venue for the Summer School has changed. It will now be held in the Trottier Building, 3630 University St. (see map). The morning sessions will be held in room 2120, the afternoon sessions in room 3120.

<Event schedule>

The first CREATE-MIA Summer School is being held June 5-7 at McGill.

CREATE-MIA participants will be presenting  their research, Prof. Maxime Descoteaux (SCIL, Université de Sherbrooke) will give a mini-course on dMRI, and there will be a session led by Professor Ken Lester (McGill Faculty of Business, Lester Asset Management) dedicated to exploring the relationships between science, innovation, and business.

Registration for this event is now closed!

Your attendance on all three days would be appreciated.

"The Business of Science"

Professor Ken Lester will touch on a number of themes related to the relationship between science, innovation, and business including:

  • The Business of Science
  • Where Science and Business Meet
  • What's More Important -- A Better Mouse Trap or Marketing?
  • Monetizing and/or Funding Science and Innovation

There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.

Professor Lester is an adjunct professor in the McGill School of Management where he teaches Applied Investments at the B.Com. and MBA levels. In addition, he is the Chief Investment Officer at Desautels Capital Inc., an investment company formed within the McGill School of Management where his Honors in Investment Management students manage equity and fixed income funds on behalf of external investors. Professor Lester is also President and CEO of Lester Asset Management Inc. and serves on the Board of Directors of both Cancor Mines Inc. and the Alan Edwards Foundation.

dMRI Mini-course

Professor Maxime Descoteaux, from the Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab at Université de Sherbrooke, will lead three sessions, each with a theory and application portion,  on dMRI:

  • Raw data to tensors and beyond (including time for dipy practice)
  • Fiber tracking and applications (including time for dipy practice and visualization with the FiberNavigator)
  • Bring your own data

The practical sessions will be held in a computer lab with the software installed and ready to use.   If you wish to install the software on your own machine, you should download:

  1. dipy:
  2. FiberNavigator:


CREATE-MIA Research Presentations

Dante De Nigris Moreno, McGill, "Registration of Pre-operative MR to Intra-operative US for Image Guided Neurosurgery"

Dr. Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Université de Sherbrooke, "Clustering streamlines generated from dMRI datasets"

Halleh Ghaderi, McGill, "MRI Acquisition and Analysis Methods for Image-guided Deep Brain Neurosurgery: Target Localization and Decision Making Platform for Pre-operative Planning"


Houssem-Eddine Gueziri, ÉTS, "Surface reconstruction in 3D freehand ultrasound with modeling and visualization of uncertainty"

Shahab Kadkhodaeian Bakhtiari, McGill, "Predictive coding and orientation selectivity in visual cortex"

Sepide Movaghati, McGill, "Imaging the spatiotemporal cortical response to motion in the visual field"

Emmanuel Piuze-Phaneuf, McGill, “Moving Frames for Heart Fiber Geometry”

Ze Shan Yao, McGill, "Spatial specificity of cortical blood-oxygenation and blood-volume signals: implications for high-resolution fMRI and fMRI-based decoding"

Michael Paquette, Université de Sherbrooke, "Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Optimization"

Dr. Hervé Lombaert, McGill, "Diffeomorphic Spectral Matching of Cortical Surfaces"


Sponsors: CIM and the Regroupement stratégique REPARTI.


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Funded by NSERC

Funding provided by NSERC