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Use of 3D Ultrasound Imaging in image-guided interventions

Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario, Canada

Use of 3D Ultrasound Imaging in image-guided interventions

  • CREATE-MIA Event
  • Seminar
When Mar 14, 2014
from 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM
Where McConnell Engineering MC12 (ground floor)
Attendees All CREATE-MIA Trainees
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The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented developments of new image-guided interventional imaging systems making use of 3D visualization. These new technologies provide the clinician with guidance and verification information about the interventional procedure. Although 2D ultrasound (US) has been used for image-guidance, this approach limits our ability to guide therapy, because multiple 2D images must be integrated mentally, resulting in an inefficient procedure, which often leads to variability. Investigators have addressed these limitations by developing 3D US techniques.  In this paper we describe our developments of 3D US imaging instrumentation and techniques for use in image-guided interventions. In our approach the conventional US transducer is scanned mechanically, and the 2D US images are digitized and reconstructed in real-time into a 3D image, which can be viewed and manipulated interactively. Examples will be given for use in 3D US-guided prostate biopsy and brachytherapy as well as 3D US-guided focal liver ablation. Supported in part by grants from CIHR, ORF and OICR.


Dr. Fenster received his PhD degree in 1976 from the Department of Medical Biophysics of the University of Toronto. In 1987 he moved to London and became a Scientist and founding Director of the Imaging Research Laboratories (IRL) at the Robarts Research Institute and Professor at The University of Western Ontario (UWO) in Radiology. Under his leadership, the IRL has grown to a staff of 250 today.  In addition, he is the founder and Associate Director of the interdisciplinary graduate Program at UWO in Biomedical Engineering. He is also the Chair of the basic Science Division of the Department of Medical Imaging and the Director for the Biomedical Imaging Research Centre at UWO. This Division combines the strengths in imaging research across London’s Institutions, which combined, makes the London medical imaging research community one of the largest in North America with over 350 staff and students and $100M in research equipment. In 2010 he became the Centre Director of the newly formed Centre for Imaging Technology Commercialization – a federally funded Centre of Excellence in Commercialization and Research.

Currently, he holds a Canada Research Chair-Tier 1 in Biomedical Engineering.  He is the first recipient of the Premier’s (Ontario) Discovery Award for Innovation and Leadership (2007), the Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research at the UWO (2008), and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Gold Medal Award (2010).  In 2011 he was inducted into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.  Fenster’s research has resulted in 270 peer-reviewed publications, 39 patents and the formation of four companies.  His patents have been licensed to 13 companies, which have commercialized them for world-wide distribution.


This CREATE-MIA seminar is also listed as a colloquium in the SOCS Colloquium series.

MC12 is located in the McConnell Engineering Building.  Click here for a map.

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Funded by NSERC

Funding provided by NSERC