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Investigating the role of age-related vascular changes on brain oxygenation

Professor Frédéric Lesage, Department of Electrical Engineering, École Polytechnique Montréal

Investigating the role of age-related vascular changes on brain oxygenation

  • CREATE-MIA Event
  • Seminar
When Apr 24, 2015
from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where Macdonald Building, MD267
Attendees All CREATE-MIA Trainees.
Everyone is welcome.
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Using various optical techniques: intrinsic imaging, optical coherence tomography and two photon microscopy, we investigate changes in the brain functional response with age and its relation to microvasculature. We identify brain vessel pulsatility as a contributor to flow mediated dilation and investigate the consequences of these changes on brain oxygenation. Finally, a model of the BOLD response is built from first principles to translate these results to the macroscopic world.


Prof. Lesage is a multidisciplinary researcher that initially pursued studies in physics at Université Laval to pursue his graduate studies at Cambridge University, UK and then at the CEA Saclay/Université Paris-sud where he obtained his PhD in theoretical physics. Following postdoctoral fellowships, he developed an interest for imaging working on fluorescence imaging at ART: Advanced Research Technology. Starting in 2005, he became professor at École Polytechnique where he now leads a team of seventeen people working on image processing, microscopy, MRI and ultrasound. His main interest is vascular imaging using optical techniques and the impact of vascular changes on the brain. He is also associated with the research centre of the Montreal Heart Institute.

« January 2025 »
Funded by NSERC

Funding provided by NSERC