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What does it take to become media savvy in today's world?

Carole Graveline, Director of Media Relations, McGill University

What does it take to become media savvy in today's world?

Mme. C. Graveline

  • CREATE-MIA Event
  • Professional skills
When Apr 24, 2015
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where Macdonald Building, MD267
Attendees All CREATE-MIA Trainees and
All interested
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What does it take to become media savvy in today's world?

And… some tips on what makes a good story, and why you will not join the ranks of the misquoted.


Carole Graveline is a McGill grad with a degree in international relations and courses’ work for master degree in political science  at Université du Québec à Montreal. A reporter for radio, TV and web for Radio-Canada for many years, breaking exclusive stories on contaminated blood in Canada as well as conditions in a mental health hospital that brought national inquiries. Director of communication and public affairs at the Quebec College of Physicians for two year and returning to Radio-Canada as a national reporter. Author  of an history of AIDS in Quebec with Dr R. Thomas and J. Robert, and also director of a publication on Korea business model.  Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation and winners of an award from the Michener Foundation on reporting for the public good.

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