What does it take to become media savvy in today's world?
Carole Graveline, Director of Media Relations, McGill University
Mme. C. Graveline |
What |
When |
Apr 24, 2015
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM |
Where | Macdonald Building, MD267 |
Attendees |
All CREATE-MIA Trainees and All interested |
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What does it take to become media savvy in today's world?
And… some tips on what makes a good story, and why you will not join the ranks of the misquoted.
Carole Graveline is a McGill grad with a degree in international relations and courses’ work for master degree in political science at Université du Québec à Montreal. A reporter for radio, TV and web for Radio-Canada for many years, breaking exclusive stories on contaminated blood in Canada as well as conditions in a mental health hospital that brought national inquiries. Director of communication and public affairs at the Quebec College of Physicians for two year and returning to Radio-Canada as a national reporter. Author of an history of AIDS in Quebec with Dr R. Thomas and J. Robert, and also director of a publication on Korea business model. Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation and winners of an award from the Michener Foundation on reporting for the public good.