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  • CREATE-MIA Event
  • Student presentation
  • Professional skills
When Oct 28, 2016
from 08:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Where McGill Gault Nature Reserve, Mont-Saint-Hilaire
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The CREATE-MIA Retreat will be held at the McGill Gault Nature Reserve in Mont-Saint-Hilaire ( A bus has been hired to transport the Montreal-based participants there and back. Please meet at 3480 University Ave. (in front of McConnell Engineering) at 7:45am for a  prompt 8:00am departure  At the end of the day, the bus will leave the Gault Estate at 5:00pm to return to McGill at approximately 5:45pm.

There will be three main parts to the CREATE-MIA Retreat on Friday:

1) Trainees who have done internships will talk about their internship experiences (about 15 mins each) in an informal format.

2) A set of research presentations by research groups where the presentations are made by students.  Each group should get together before Friday and prepare short presentations (5 slides) on what they are doing and what their group is doing. The presentations do not have to be exhaustive and each supervisor can guide their students.  

3) An open discussion on data science in medical imaging. There are  two strategic reasons for this: a) the new CFREF  at McGill ( and b) the new CFREF at the Univeristé de Montréal ( A CFREF is a Canada First Research Excellence Fund ( These two CFREFs both highlight the role that data science is playing in the Montreal community and the opportunities that lie ahead.


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Funded by NSERC

Funding provided by NSERC