Fundamentals of Computer Animation for Surgery Simulation
Prof. Paul Kry, School of Computer Science, McGill University
Prof. P. Kry |
What |
When |
Nov 17, 2017
from 01:40 PM to 02:40 PM |
Where | Arts Building, Arts Council Room 160 |
Attendees |
All CREATE-MIA Trainees |
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This seminar will introduce the main concepts of physically based computer animation, with a focus on elastic systems. We will examine different numerical integration techniques and see how the eigenvalue decomposition of a linear system can be used to understand the long term behavior of different stepping methods. We will look at real examples of larger stiff systems that benefit from implicit integration, discuss solutions of the linearized problem with direct and iterative solvers. We will briefly cover continuum models as a good representation of soft tissues. To conclude I will discuss recent research projects on collision detection and homogeneous materials that build on this material.
Paul G. Kry received his B.Math. in computer science with electrical engineering electives in 1997 from the University of Waterloo, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of British Columbia in 2000 and 2005. He spent time as a visitor at Rutgers during most of his Ph.D., and did postdoctoral work at INRIA Rhône Alpes and the LNRS at Université René Descartes. He is currently an associate professor at McGill University. His research interests are in physically based animation, including deformation, contact, motion editing, and simulated control of locomotion, grasping, and balance. He co-chaired ACM/EG Symposium on Computer Animation in 2012, Graphics Interface in 2014, and served on numerous program committees, including ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM/EG Symposium on Computer Animation, Pacific Graphics, and Graphics Interface. He is currently an associate editor for Computer Graphics Forum, and for Computers and Graphics. He heads the Computer Animation and Interaction Capture Laboratory at McGill University. Paul Kry is currently the president of the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society, the organization which sponsors the annual Graphics Interface conference. Starting September 2016 Paul Kry is serving a 3 year term as a director at large on the ACM SIGGRAPH executive committee.