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CREATE-MIA will provide a portion of the trainee's funding.  The amount will depend on the amount of funding being received from other sources and also on the degree program the trainee is in.  Current NSERC guidelines for recommended funding levels will be taken into account.

Typical CREATE-MIA funding for a trainee will be:

  • Undergrad: one session
  • MSc: funding for 2 years
  • PhD: funding for 3 years
  • PDF: funding for 2 years


Continued funding is determined on an individual basis and is contingent upon the recommendation of the trainee's academic supervisor and approval by the program director.  Factors taken into consideration will include the degree of the trainee's participation in mandatory CREATE-MIA activities including, but not limited to, seminars, the week-long summer school, SKILLSETS,  their post-internship work-experience report, their industrial collaborator's evaluation of their work, etc. as well as their performance in their academic program.

Funding Exclusions

Students holding the Mitacs Accelerate or Elevate awards are not eligible for CREATE-MIA funding although they are welcome to participate in CREATE-MIA events.

Should a student not be eligible for CREATE-MIA funding but be qualified in all other respects, they are very strongly encouraged to apply to participate in  the program nevertheless.

All students are responsible for verifying with agencies providing them with funding about whether they  allow for NSERC CREATE-MIA supplements.