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Etienne St-Onge

Computer Science, Université de Sherbrooke

After an undergraduate program in Computer Science with specialization in image and signal processing at University of Sherbrooke, I did a research internship on MRI super-resolution techniques and a project on cortical sulcus registration. Now, I'm a Master's student at the Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab (SCIL), supervised by Pr. Maxime Descoteaux. I'm improving tractography algorithms to improve brain connectivity comprehension.

After an undergraduate program in Computer Science with specialization in image and signal processing at University of Sherbrooke, I did a research internship on MRI super-resolution techniques and a project on cortical sulcus registration. Now, I'm a Master's student at the Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab (SCIL), supervised by Pr. Maxime Descoteaux. I'm improving tractography algorithms to improve brain connectivity comprehension.