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For students applying to a graduate program

Students applying to a new graduate program should:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the research carried by the members of the Program Faculty.
  2. Apply to the home department(s) of the Program Faculty member(s) they wish to study with. These departments include Computer Science (SOCS)Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)Biomedical Engineering (BME), and the Integrated Program in Neuroscience (IPN) at McGill, Génie électrique at ÉTS, and Informatique at Université de Sherbrooke.
  3. In their application to their chosen department(s), the applicant should state:
  • the name of the Program Faculty member they would like to work with,
  • indicate their interest in the CREATE-MIA program, and
  • provide their rationale for applying to the CREATE-MIA program in their statement of purpose.

It is understood that only those who are accepted into a graduate program via the admissions process of the department(s) they apply to and who have the approval of one of the Program Faculty can be considered for participation in the  CREATE-MIA program.

IMPORTANT: Participation in the CREATE-MIA program will add additional requirements beyond those of a student's program degree, including, but not limited to,  attendance at all "CREATE-MIA Days",  the summer school and, most importantly, an industrial internship.  Students offered a place in the CREATE-MIA program will be asked to sign an acknowledgement of their awareness and understanding of these requirements before being officially accepted into the program.