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The  NSERC CREATE Program in Medical Image Analysis provides participating students with a well-rounded academic background, seminars, short courses, summer school, professional training (SKILLSETS), and practical experience in industry and academia through internships.


A participating trainee will have an individually tailored training program with mentors from academia, industry, and/or medicine if needed.

    Trainees will select their academic courses from the CREATE-MIA Core Courses as well as from their department's courses.

    Because CREATE-MIA is an industrial stream training program, all trainees are required to do internships in industry.The number and duration of the internships will be determined by their degree program. Trainees will be required to submit a report about their work experience at the end of each internship and the industrial collaborator will provide a trainee evaluation.

    CREATE-MIA Days, typically scheduled one Friday every month during the Fall and Winter terms give the trainees to attend research seminars on diverse topics in medical imaging,  receive training in professional and technical skills, and to build their professional networks as they interact with visiting members of the research community, industry, and other professionals, as well as with each other.

    NOTE: Participation in all training activities is mandatory for all trainees.